PSW has different protocols, processes, equipment and systems necessary for the processing of biostimulants and plant nutrition products; We also have the experience and knowledge in the development and formulation of organic products certified according to international standards.
Likewise, for analytical testing and quality control, we have a laboratory that has various equipment to ensure the quality of our products.
PSW is a pioneer country in the sustainable development of the first brown and red seaweed crops in Peru on an industrial scale with a social and environmental focus.
Pilot project PITEI-070
PIPEI - 018 project
PITEI 058-2016 project
In 2011, the pilot project PITEI-070, called Algal Mariculture: Development of the cultivation of the brown algae Macrocystis spp for the production of organic binder used in the production of balanced feed for aquaculture, was successfully concluded.
In 2015, the PIPEI - 018 project "Development of a biotechnological protocol for obtaining microalgae oil rich in DHA using tubular bioreactors" was successfully concluded, from which the development of the first tubular photobioreactors at the national level with a closed system for microalgae cultivation.
In 2018, the PITEI 058-2016 project "Development of Bioactive Inputs for the Cosmetic Industry with Native Peruvian Algae in PSW SA" was successfully completed. Developing an algae extract for use in cosmetics with anti-aging properties.